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Ohio is Key to 2004 Election

Global Fire Team

October 20, 2004 Today we stand at a crossroads in our nation. It is unarguably a defining moment in our country as we decide the office of the next president of the United States. Because the stakes are so high and the contrast between George W. Bush and John Kerry so obvious, it's necessary that we fully understand the ramifications of this election. This is not about politics or political parties; it is about where we stand as a nation under God. I simply want to get right to the heart of the issues. It has been clear for some time now that Ohio plays a significant roll in the direct outcome of this election. Amos 3:7 says "Surely the Sovereign Lord will do nothing without first revealing His secrets (plans) to His servants the prophets"! I will go into more detail later on this subject, but the Lord has said "That as Florida was to the out come of the election in 2000, so will Ohio be significant in 2004"! This is the reason for writing those of you in the Midwest. Righteousness and Justice are the very foundation of the throne of God (Psalm 97:2). This nation was built upon righteousness and justice and now the very core of our freedom is being threatened.

God is neither Republican nor Democratic and He does not play favorites. He stands alone above all governments and nations of men with Kingdom authority. The question is; Will we have a nation governed by the laws of God or the convenient liberal compromise of human institution? The issues we are facing between the two candidates running for office have never been clearer. God is calling us to be like the Sons of Issachar and "be a people who have understanding of the times to know what Israel (America) ought to do. (1 Chronicles 12:32) As Christians in America we must weigh carefully the issues at stake during this presidential election. The next President of the United States of America will decide the fate of legalized abortion and whether millions of innocent lives will continue to be taken in our country. John Kerry has made public where he stands. He states that even though the Catholic Church strongly opposes his pro-abortion stand, he will in fact appoint only judges that will support abortion and not overturn "Roe verses Wade". President George Bush has also tipped his hand taking a strong pro-life stand. He states that "All life is precious before God and must be respected, protected and preserved!."

Through legalized abortion, over 40 million American babies have been slaughtered in the womb since 1973, yet the church still votes for those in government who sanction such atrocities because it's more politically correct to vote along "party line convictions". Through our votes we can begin to turn the mounting tide of evil against our land and again make the decision to stand for righteousness and justice. Recognizing the fragile disposition our country is facing, pro-abortion and gay rights activists have mobilized a massive campaign to defeat President Bush and have positioned themselves strongly behind a potential leader who will advance their agendas. They are confident in their choice, since he has the most liberal voting record of anyone in the senate; more liberal that Ted Kennedy or Hillary Clinton on all issues. This man is John Kerry. It is clear that the influence of a Supreme Court judge far outlasts the very president who would appoint them.

The outcome of November 2 will decide the judicial future of America for decades to come, not only in the Supreme Court: but also with the appointment of federal judges. - Chief Justice Rehnquist, appointed 32 years ago by Nixon, in now 80. - Justice Stevens, appointed 29 years ago by Ford, is 84 years old. - Justice O'Connor appointed 23 years ago by Reagan, 74 years old. - Justice Ginsburg, appointed 11 years ago by Clinton is 71 years old. Any of these Justices could vacate their seats during the next 4 years. Dr James Dobson was recently asked in a television interview with Fox news what the most important issue was to him concerning this election. He stated "Yes, gay rights and the abortion issues are huge, but the thing that concerns me most are the Supreme court seats that will more than likely become available in the next 4 years. The appointments of these seats by the next president of the United States will ultimately decide the moral direction of our nation. This presidential term will ultimately decide the moral fate of our country!"

As the church we cannot afford to be silent anymore. It's simply not enough for us to merely vote across party lines. There is too much at stake. We are literally wrestling for the "Soul of our Nation". Perhaps the greatest sin of the present church in America is that we have succumbed to silence and political correctness. We cannot continue to make alliances with those who will legislate evil. We need to be careful how we cast our vote in November. To vote for those who support the legalization of evil is to have fellowship with them and we will be held accountable for our agreement with them. Psalm 94:20 states "Shall a throne of destruction which devises evil by law have fellowship with You?" In other words, will you align yourself with a government that sanctions evil through the very laws they pass? "A Burning Bush out of Texas" Last April the 19th through a series of visions and dreams later confirmed by Bob Jones it was clear that the Lord was wanting to give us understanding of the times we were entering into. In one of the visions I saw a burning trail of Fire that passed between Toronto Canada and Nashville Tennessee. April the 19th was significant this year to Toronto because 100 years earlier April the 19th 1904 was the Great Toronto fire.

This was significant to John Arnott pastor of Toronto Airport Fellowship. However the vision between Toronto and Nashville had more significance. The fire trail went directly through Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati Ohio. The State slogan for Ohio is "Through the heart of it all". Immediately the Lord reminded me of the July 1999 word that came through Bob Jones. "That a burning bush would come out of Texas, someone who would incline his ear to the word of the Lord." I was scheduled to minister at the Cincinnati House of Prayer the next day and delivered the word that Ohio was key to the presidential election this year. Bob Jones confirmed it and said, "What Florida was to the election in 2000, so Ohio will be in 2004!" I spoke with Bob this morning and he recounted to me the word of the Lord in 1999. In this vision, he was surrounded by water up to the ankle, which came up to his knees. He said these were troubled waters with terrorism / war etc... He said that the Lord told him then a "Burning Bush would come out of Texas , someone who would incline his ear to the word of the Lord. There would be controversy surrounding his election and the church would elect him in Florida by 537 votes". This word was given to a black church in Panama City. Because of the "prophetic word of the Lord" given to that church they decided to vote their heart and not their party line. Just a quick note. This church had 537 members in it! Bob again said, "The church will reelect the president"! He said, "The Catholic vote in Ohio is the deciding vote, but the rest of the church must vote as well"!

Bob said during the next 4 years President George Bush would do 3 things: 1. Prayer will begin to come back into schools 2. It would be the beginning of the overturning of abortion in our land. 3. There will be complete Support of Israel. He wouldn't make the mistake his dad did. Bob also said that toward the end of President Bush's next term another man would begin to rise up and he would be highly favored by the people. He would pave the way to righteousness and full-on revival in the nation. George Bush would open the door to this godly successor who would be in office for two terms. That's twelve years of righteousness and peace opening the door for revival in the land! IT'S IMPORTANT FOR US TO UNDERSTAND THAT THESE PROMISES OF FAVOR FOR US AS A NATION ARE CONDITIONAL PROMISES FROM THE LORD. The fulfillment rests on our prayers, intercession and being activated by going to the polls to vote for Godliness! If we do nothing by being uninvolved, we've made a decision! The Lord is offering us an incredible opportunity like queen Esther to stand up and be counted. Who knows, it may be that we were born for such a time as this to make the difference in America like Esther did. Because of her boldness to make her voice known to the king, great atrocities were negated and righteousness prevailed that turned the out- come in favor for the whole nation of Israel. May we not be silent or apathetic in this hour, but as Lou Engle said "let our cries be heard in heaven and our votes counted on Earth"!!

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