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Global Fire Team

The New Saints Birthing Powerful Demonstrations of the Supernatural


We are constantly being influenced by one of two kingdoms around us, either the Kindom of Light or the kingdom of darkness and self. As Spirit- filled believers we are to live according to the Spirit as Jesus did, doing only what we see the Father do. Colossians 3:18 says, "We have been translated from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His dear Son". In turn we feed from either of these kingdoms continuously. Jesus said that it was of necessity that we feed from Him, eating His flesh and drinking His blood, or we could have no part of Him. (John 6:63 ). In short, we are to be continuously drawing upon the life source of the indwelling Holy Spirit of God which He has so graciously given us.

In the world we live in, the obvious clash of living in self reliance has taken its toll. We see nation rising against nation and natural disasters are at an all time high and yet so many wonder; "where is God in all of this"? The world is reaping the fruit of what she has sown. God has not changed. We have. As societies, we seem to have moved as far away from God as we possibly can. But things are about to change. God has given dominion into the hands of men and has not changed His protocol. There is a stir in the ranks of the believing church for a fresh new move of God. These believers are finding their strength in "abiding" power. Jesus said, "Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me." John 15:4 . We must learn the secret of abiding and remaining in Him.

One of the names of God is El Shaddai, which literally means, "the many breasted one". Like a nursing baby, abiding in the Lord and feasting from Him protects us from disease, sickness and the attack of the devil.


When we look at the book in Revelations 3:15-20, we see that the Lord was upset with the Laodicean church because she had become self -reliant. "For you say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and are in need of nothing: but you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, and blind." Arrogance and self reliance steals grace and understanding from us. Without a doubt the most crucial need we have as the body of Christ is to have understanding of the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation. The church has learned to rely on its own directive, that which seems most logical and correct in the sight of man and not on the impulses that come from the heart of God. Laodicea literally means "governed by the group" or by our own self imposed ideas. Revelation insight releases us to engage in the arena of faith. Revelation insight is what gives us the platform to function in faith. There is no other way for us as agents of the Kingdom of God to release the supernatural power of God than through the "now" impulses that come from the mind of Christ by the Holy Spirit. If we don't have revelation knowledge, faith is restricted by our own misunderstandings.

Were there is no "vision" the people perish. Without prophetic revelation coming directly from the mind of God, the people go "unrestrained". Where there is no focus, there is no direction. If we refuse to pursue the realm of revelation or the realm of the Holy Spirit, we are left to move according to our own natural reasoning...and by default we are destined to spiritual bankruptcy.


The Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink, but in righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Kingdom is "in" the Holy Spirit! (Romans 14:17)

The Kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost ... The Holy Ghost is in the Kingdom of God! The currency of God only flows out from the anointing and the presence of the manifested Holy Ghost. If the Holy Spirit of God is shut down and not allowed to operate or move, then we have by choice defaulted and cut off the "flow" of God and shut down the person, power, and life force of God. It's as simple as this ... No God ... No Power! ... We cannot afford to be this way any longer!

It's time for us to engage the Lord on a new level. Many of us are tired of merely hearing the reports of Kingdom power and now want to be players in the game. Put me in, coach!

Many are looking for a new identity and lifestyle that involves them being involved to the fullest. God is eroding away the old mindsets and traditions that have held us back for centuries, and He's setting up networks of strong disciples who know how to hear and take orders from Him directly. There is a new breed of Saint on the horizon.


THIS NEW BREED OF SAINT WILL DO THE SAME WORKS JESUS DID AND EVEN "GREATER WORKS". THEY UNDERSTAND THAT THE ANOINTING IS RELEASED THROUGH GREAT COMPASSION AND THE AFFECTIONS OF THEIR HEART. There is nothing conventional about what they do. The only language they understand is that which comes by waiting in the presence the Holy Spirit. They understand that the great harvest that is to come into the church in these last days will not come in by conventional means. This harvest will come in by supernatural means by releasing the realm of the Kingdom of God in power. It is unrealistic for us to think that the modern church's programs and functions will be the catalyst for bringing in this great harvest.

This great throng will come in by Kingdom power! In order for this to happen, we need to be radically transformed in the way we understand God, who He is, and how He operates. We need to understand by experience what it looks like when He invades our world. What does that look like? How can I detect it? We can only detect it by being stirred up and transformed in the inner man by the Holy Spirit of God. The natural or carnal mind (non-sprirtual man) does not accept, nor welcome, nor allow into his heart the gifts and teachings and revelations of the Spirit of God they are foolish to him; he is incapable of knowing them because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated. (I Corinthians 2:14)

Most believers don't pay attention to what happens to them when God shows up. Some shake violently under the power of the Holy Spirit and others next to them won't feel a thing. It happens all the time. We have shut ourselves down to the point of physical numbness. Our 5 senses are tools of perception or indicators to detect the presence of God!

God is always speaking and His first language is not English! He is moving on us constantly with impressions of the mind.... pictures ... thoughts ... feelings in the body etc.. etc... (Hebrews 5:14), having our senses trained to discern God.


Scripture teaches us that "as a man thinks in his heart so he becomes". (Proverbs 23:7). We become the very thing we set our "GAZE" upon. Colossians 3:1-3 tells us plainly to "seek" that which is from above, where Christ is..."set" your minds and keep them "set" on what's above...for your real life is hidden with Christ in God!

It is absolutely necessary that we have the "veil" stripped from the eyes of our understanding in order to "see" the way things really are. Ephesians 4:23 says, "Be renewed in the spirit of your mind". Jesus said, "Unless you are born from above you cannot 'see' the Kingdom of God." John 3:3. That which is born of flesh is flesh and that which is born of Spirit if Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:16-18 says it best..."But whenever a person turns to the Lord, the VEIL is stripped off and taken away. v.18 And all of us, as with 'unveiled' faces, because we continued to 'behold' in the Word of God as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are constantly being 'transfigured' into His very own image in ever increasing splendor from one degree of glory to another"...

So when we turn to the Lord in repentance and look to him alone there is a veil that is stripped away that has kept us from seeing Him for who He really is. As we "gaze" at Him with a "clean (renewed) heart and mind" our perspective changes and we are being "transfigured" or "transformed" by the "Living Word" in ever increasing splendor from one revelation... to another revelation... to another revelation...etc... v.17 says we are "transfigured by the Lord who is the Spirit".... The Spirit who liberates us from our "old mindsets" of bondage from the past.


Paul wrote in I Corinthians 2:6 , "Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do IMPART A HIGHER WISDOM , the knowledge of the divine plan previously once hidden."

Jesus warned his disciples saying "Be careful what you are hearing... The measure of THOUGHT and STUDY you give to THE TRUTH YOU HEAR will be the measure of VIRTUE AND KNOWLEDGE that comes back to you"...Mark 4:24

There are different levels of truth available to us and we choose what level of truth to set before our eyes. For example, all of the camp of Israel saw the pillar of fire that burned before them as a convincing manifestation of the presence of God, however, they missed the fact or "Higher Truth" that it was indeed God speaking to them from out of the midst of the Fire! (Deut. 54)

Jesus was saying in Mark 4:24, be careful what you are listening to; for whatever you give yourself to in thought and study (even good things) will be the degree that comes back to you in "virtue" (Power) and "knowledge " (revelation). If I'm after power and revelation, then I need to set my mind on the truths that will feed my faith in the reality of those truths and my mind there until they are brought about! ...Set your mind and heart ... (thought and study) on these things and keep it there and you will reap the benefit of beholding the higher things of God.

God is revealing Himself to a people who are in turn revealing Him to the world. We are on the same mission as our older brother Jesus; to reveal the Father. Jesus said; "Father I have manifested Your name on the earth" (John 17:6) and "Just as the Father has sent I am sending you"! (John 20:21).....with the same anointing power and authority!


The principal of "Beholding and Becoming" is paramount. What we think is what we become! Hebrews 12:2 encourages us to "Fix our eyes on Jesus". To "FIX" means to "STARGAZE" like gazing into space...or to "STARE AT" ... "FOCUS" all of your attention upon.

The world has been longing to see a people who not only claim to know God, but walk, talk and act like Him. "For God Who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness' has shown in our heats so as to (beam forth) the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God (as it is manifested in the Person and is revealed) in the FACE of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 - "It is God's desire that the glorious Light and power of His presence would shine through the hearts of believing believers all across the globe."

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